Next up
Made simple autoplay feature, helps debugging. There is a plan to implement user's AI code to control your player online. Then simulated AI tournaments!
render random 3D blocks
Making new weapon tonight: UZI. World ray-cast function is landed, but still is not optimised enough :) Tiles are OK, but still need something smart to do with loose-grids
Meet the FROGMAN! Santa isn't real. Pepe gives revenge.
Game 13 fix release v1.0.10:
Tired of searching over the weekend, fix render object's occlusion, fix overflow de-sync, fix join start state
[iioi] 1.0.25 is out!
▶️ Play with friends
🗒️ Map generation, crit damage, respawn screen, smooth text, more NPC, various fixes and improvements!
1.0.18 release!
New prod server @
- Add draft walls - Enable High-DPI by default - More padding for dynamic font - Autoplay continue attacks if low-hp and no hp items - Rework room join flow - Add out of sync disconnect