Wrestle Camp For Windows PowerPoint 2016+

7 years ago

Shiny JadeJohnson (An Alternative Character Model)



Next up

Wild Leak Appeared?!

If the latest Nintendo rumours are anything by which to go, which — let's face it — they're not, these new plans still shan't put JadeEmatic behind The Switch's successor!

Orange JadeJohnson (An Alternative Character Model)

Yep, JadeRaw, is REAL! And, it might be coming sooner than we all thought!

Red JadeJohnson (An Alternative Character Model)

Let's compare all the first game's entrances to CM Punk's from "Wrestle Camp 2". Warning: They're all in Nintendo®-Switch™-Capture-quality, due to GameJolt's video-file-size-limit.

Purple JadeJohnson (An Alternative Character Model)

Green JadeJohnson (An Alternative Character Model)

Although not yet shown here, racing-Games with proper steering-controls are coming to JadeEmatic!

That's right, "The JadeEmatic is coming! BEFORE, the Nintendo ® Switch™ successor!