
4 years ago

Shrouded | Visual Overhaul and Upcoming Plans!

Greetings you lot,

So surprisingly, I've been working on Shrouded behind the scenes this entire time. The main lack of updates being posted is due to the nature of some of that work - primarily, a graphical overhaul.

The original build (play the Demo for an example!) targeted a resolution of 800x480 - this was a holdover from when the game was first conceptualized way back in 2014. Now, every graphical asset is being remade, from scratch, to be displayed at a native 720p instead. Obviously, this makes the game look much more crisp - in addition to being consistent for scaling up to other HD resolutions when being run on different devices.

We've outsourced a new pixel artist for the in-game character sprites as a result of this visual overhaul, too. I'll be sharing updated screenshots and likely a second Demo version soon bearing these updates in mind.

The roadmap ahead is pretty simple: more screenshots, more lore reveals, the next playable Demo, a 'final' trailer - and then, ultimately, the release of Shrouded to the masses.

I've been working on this game for a long time, after all - and as it's my first original IP (that isn't about some trademarked blue mammal), I just want to make sure it's as near-perfect as possible before releasing it.

Y'all understand, right? :)

Stay savage,

1 comment


Next up

Ooof! That poll was SO close. Care to elaborate on your thoughts/opinions regarding your preferred approach below?

When you find a game-breaking bug with the core loop.

Old one, but eternally relevant. 🙃

Time to fire up the engines (heh) and get back to work on Shrouded.

So, I bought a Master System for my collection. Thought I'd clean it up internally.

Never mind Sonic.EXE. Dead insects, corrosion and bird shit inside a SEGA console?

That's the real Creepypasta.

So. That's not good!

The SSD that had all of Shrouded's assets on it decided to format itself.

The source code and current build are still intact on GitHub, but the raw assets are on that drive. :(

Fingers crossed!

Well... shit.

I'll have to dig through one of my remote systems. Might have an older archive of assets stored.

Like I said, the game's current build is intact thankfully - just the raw assets that are currently in the ether.

How far Shrouded has come.

(Old build on right, Current build on Left.)

And it's still going! We're almost there, though.

Linked image in case GameJolt butchers image quality:

Shrouded | Details About the New AI