
4 years ago

Shrouded | The Three 'L's

Hey folks,

As the title implies, this devlog is going to discuss three key changes to the game: Life Points (LP), Lockers and Localization!

Life Points (LP)


No, not 'Long-Play' vinyl records. In early builds of Shrouded, the player was instantly-killed by almost any hazard, both big and small. Now, there has been an implementation of a health system. 'Exciting', I know. But something so simple does indeed make the game that bit more tense, and less rage-quit prone as a result. Now, health can be restored by using mysterious items known as 'Detoxifiers'. These are rare, mind you, so the player will need to consider their options when their health is getting a tad too close to death for comfort. Inventory management is a must in order to survive.



As teased previously, prototyping was in the works on how Lockers could be used as a potential option to hide from the Crimson while under pursuit. This has been mostly implemented, at last. The player can't be too repetitive, though. The Crimson learns the player's habits - particularly, where they hide on a regular basis. Too much hiding in one place over time will render it all-but useless when under pursuit. This feature is now 90% complete and in-game. Of course, some more bug-testing and re-coding of the Crimson's behavior is still needed, but it's almost there!



This is a big one, and still being worked on. Initially, all text was hard-coded into the game in English only. Now, all text has been migrated to a dedicated file containing all of the game's dialogue. This means that Shrouded now comes in English, French, Spanish, Italian and German! The translation is still a tad rough, but I'm hoping to iron it out more before launch. This also means that potential fan-translations to other languages should be a viable option, too!

Stay savage,




Next up

So. That's not good!

The SSD that had all of Shrouded's assets on it decided to format itself.

The source code and current build are still intact on GitHub, but the raw assets are on that drive. :(

Fingers crossed!

Ooof! That poll was SO close. Care to elaborate on your thoughts/opinions regarding your preferred approach below?

Shrouded | Happy Halloween and Thank You!

Happy belated new year. Still working on Shrouded, don't worry. Been saying it for nearly 7 years now, but hey. I'm picky, and want it to be right! Just been dealing with a lot of work-related bullshit lately: the joys of serving a major tech company.

How far Shrouded has come.

(Old build on right, Current build on Left.)

And it's still going! We're almost there, though.

Linked image in case GameJolt butchers image quality:

When you find a game-breaking bug with the core loop.

Shrouded | Enhanced AI and new Sprite Work

Shrouded | Visual Overhaul and Upcoming Plans!

Old one, but eternally relevant. 🙃

So, I bought a Master System for my collection. Thought I'd clean it up internally.

Never mind Sonic.EXE. Dead insects, corrosion and bird shit inside a SEGA console?

That's the real Creepypasta.