8 years ago

Simple Pixel Deck by 1-UP Nuke

1-UP Nuke made this nice Simple Pixel deck.


I promised him to make this deck official and to add it to Game Jolt on the official Pymtheg page, so here it is ;)

Current state of the game rules.
Well due to the holidays my test friends and I were not yet able to come together for the final test. The first time we meet will be in less than 2 weeks, but as we then have a big dinner planned I’m afraid we won’t be testing too much, but hey ya never know.

If you do have any graphic talents and think you can come up with an even better deck than 1-UP Nuke’s? Well by all means, get your favorite graphic tools and start designing and maybe your deck can become official just like 1-UP Nuke’s. ;)
(When there are too much decks here on GJ, I may have to put on an external download server and only put the “best” (in my opinion) decks on here).

See ya later, folks ;)



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