Including the above title screen, one of the very few assets that didn't need to be changed, here are twenty development-captures of "MICHAEL JACKSON's MOONWALKER 3.0", which prove it's going to be LOADS better than the version 2.0 before it!
"Play Or Putz" Menu:
Unlike those of literally every other non-VBA PowerPoint game before this one, this menu actually saves your game settings from the "Options" screen, accessed by selecting, "Let's Putz"! "Let's Play" actually starts the game with the applied settings!
As you can see, there are six different setting combinations that are allowed in this game engine, and what's more, they're constantly and consistantly both tracked and saved, without save data, and minus any VisualBasicAdvanced code whatsoever, all the way up until the very moment you turn off the game, or it auto-resets due to five or more minutes of inactivity!
"Ghitt outta town, faker?"
No, seriously. For real! We even have a demo arriving later today which'll show off a working "Continue Prompts" toggle, even though we're still working on the other settings!
"Hey, those sound and music screens are re-localized."
Yep, they sure are, their text has been altered slightly to better fit this new game engine!
"Wait a sec, are those what I think they are?"
Yep, Certainly. As you can tell, we've modded them a bit from the "Continue?" and "Game Over!" screens of "GIGA STREET FIGHTER II", specifically in order to better match the overall colour scheme of this iconic PowerPoint-port's engine.
As you can see, they're obviously still not perfect replications, but we've given all the aartwork some carefully-thought-out palette-swaps, so that it at least somewhat-more-closely resembles the assets from the original SEGA® GENESIS™ arcade-game-port!
"But what do you want in our hands the most?"
Yeah, we know, the entirely-operational settings-menu! Normally, those're afterthoughts, but when included in a PowerPoint game without the implementation of a single line of VBA-code? Yeah: that's probably one of the biggest deals in the entire slideshow-gaming fandom!
"So: what about that demo?"
We're working on getting this new demo, with the working "Continue Prompts" toggle, out to you right now, and we'll let you know as soon as it's officially launched!