Please note NOT all trophy names are references, but most of them are.
I'll mostly just provide a link, but sometimes I may have to explain a few things.
Achievements that are no references, or at least not referring to things in the game will be skipped

Well this one must be obvious:

I think this is also obvious. Genesis 1:1

A joke on the very annoying "FIRST!" messages on YouTube videos or other sites allowing comments. They are said to be a meme, but the truth is... they are nothing but spam!

A reference to the "License to kill" of James Bond (a license that does not exist, by the way). The requirement of 7 kills is a reference to 007.

Many people already wrote me telling me they recognized this one from Gladiator (, which is indeed what I based the name of this achievement on.

Second part of the first verse:

This is just a joke on the entire "YO MAMA" phenomenon.

This one is hard to understand if you are not Dutch. These are lines of a song by the Dutch comedian Paul de Leeuw. He always dreamed of competing in the Eurovision Song Contest, well, at least he tried to make this impression. This song is a bit of a parody of songs pretty typical to hear at the Eurovision Song Contest, at least at the time this song was a hit.

This is a reference to card with the same name from the crazy card game Munchking.
Of course, given the requirement for obtaining this one, I swapped a few things around.

Now if you are not able to see where this one is from you really know even less than Jon Snow, really. Okay, let's still link to it, just because this song is legend! 😎😉

This is a reference to the Australian zoologist Steve Irwin, who was also known as "The Crocodile Hunter".
It's a bit of bitter irony who this man faced the most dangerous animals known to man, fearlessly, only to get himself killed by a sting ray, a kind of fish that is normally never aggressive.
Steve, I still remember you. I still need to thank you as you helped me get though a dentist treatment (a TV on the ceiling distracted me from the dentist and on it was a show by Irwin, although without audio but with Dutch translations in the subtitles, and since Dutch is my first language, I could therefore understand what he was saying anyway).

Well, I'll forgive you if you don't know this one, but the reference is to this song by B.B. Queen (real name: Inge Severijnse. A Dutch female singer. Not sure if she named herself after B.B. King, but it seems very likely, doesn't it?)

This is a reference to Wakka saying this to Yuna the first time you can put her into combat in Final Fantasy X.

This is a reference to the typical things cliché villains say when they lost an important fight.

I would be going more than SLIGHTLY mad when you don't know this one. I mean come on. I'll only link the song I was referring to, because it's just a DAMN GOOD SONG, and having to look it up on YouTube was just a nice excuse to hear it again!

This is a quote from Wild Arms 4, where Yulie often says this when she's deals the final blow in a combat. With this she is referring to a science facility where scientist experimented on her body, about which she's quite traumatized.

A reference to the band with that name

Why it is always the red button that may not be pressed, I don't know, but well, we know it's always the case, don't we?
Yeah, I do not always copy the words exactly. :P

Just a reference to black magic itself.

Yeah, that was obvious, wasn't it?

And the references are explained in the trophy itself.
Since Rebecca is Eric's sister and not his mother I changed the name a bit. :)

A reference to the useless stuff that comes with successful franchises.

A reference to the cliché of "impossible" things people can do with "the power of the mind".

A reference to the dance style Break Dance, also known as "Electric Boogie"
But I am sure you already knew that, but hey, songs this good justify to link anyway, so I gotta hear this gem once more. 😉😎 - Hey, I can't imagine you didn't know that. Oh, you didn't? Then you clearly don't know your music hits well.
And that song might well be more famous, than the musical it belongs to.

"Save Our Souls" is said to be the meaning of "S.O.S." which is always used for distress calls. Truth is that S.O.S. has no meaning at all. The letters were merely chosen because they needed an easy to send letter combination to send away in emergency situations and the S --- and the O ... are easy to send in Morse codes, and therefore perfect for distress calls. That's all.
Of course to make it more fitting for this game it was only obvious I adapted the name a bit.
But I cannot imagine nobody could not have recognized that one.

This is a reference to my game "Star Story", in which Wendicka claims this when Crystal implies Wendicka and Yirl sound like a married couple. Yirl will respond by saying he can arrange that. Now this joke between Wendicka and Yirl is in turn a parody to Star Wars where Leia claims she'd rather marry a wookie, prompting Han to say he can arrange that.

Said by the Gorkha guard when you enter the swamp in Lands of Lore: The Throne Of Chaos

A reference to the Dutch children's holiday Sinterklaas. This is a line in a famous song dedicated to this holiday.
I guess that was obvious!

Means "Nobody escapes death" in French. Also a reference to the boss you gotta beat for this one!
But that too was an open door, wasn't it?

This is a reference to "Wreck-it Ralph" where this is a kind of phenomenon that the entire movie revolves around.

Means "I will always serve Aeria" in the common language of Phantasar. It's the official motto of the kingdom of Aeria where Aziëlla is from. The flag in the icon is national flag of Aeria.

This is a reference to Morphius telling "What has been said was for you and for you alone" to Neo after his visit with the Oracle, in the Matrix. (4:32)

Reference to how this is yelled every time a professional darter throws a 180 at a professional match.

A pun to "Tales from the crypt"
But I suppose you already KNEW that!

Yes of course this is a reference to Pirates Of The Caribbean, what else did you suspect?

Of course, the way I worded it here is a reference to the song in Harry Potter in the Prisoner Of Azkaban. That song however is in turn a reference to McBeth, a play written by Shakespeare, where the three watches tell this to McBeth as a kind of warning for the fate that awaits him.

A reference to a song that is not officially named, but commonly known as the "Trololololo song". The song became a meme because the singer never took it seriously himself.

A pun to Sirius Black

Means "It's life" or "That's life" in French. The phrase is something said when bad things happen you just have to accept as a part of life. The name is given since the Goddess Malabia is the Goddess of Light and LIFE for the Befindos and the humans on Phantasar.

It couldn't be more obvious! :P

Reference to what is known as the biggest public blundering in the history of World of Warcraft (although that video was staged, as was later admitted, although the Pals For Life guild does claim they only restaged an event that really happened).

Trekkies will know what I mean! :P

Final line of the chorus of "I'll make a man out of you" in the Disney animated film Mulan.

Reference to this event in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

Reference to the sword carried by Lady Justice.
The blindfold states you may never judge by how people look, what ethnically background they have, but must merely stick yourself to the facts. The scales stands for weighting good and evil to come to proper judgment, and the sword symbolizes the punishment dealt accordingly.

Reference to this song by the Dutch singer Marco Borsato.
If you wonder why so much red in that video... "rood" means "red" in Dutch. "Vandaag is rood" literally means "Today is red".

I think everybody knows this is a reference to "Fire Water Burn" by the Blood Hound Gang.

Well I cannot imagine there's anybody who doesn't know where this one is referring to. Or perhaps I should just let it go!

Reference to this winning Eurovision Song Contest song from Sweden. Although Sweden has won the contest many times already, this is (when I wrote this article as this article was written 2 years ago on the day of publication) one of the only two songs actually performed in the Swedish language.
"Fangad av en stormvind" means "caught by a storm wind" or "captured by a storm wind" by the way.

Reference to the song by New Musik with the same name.

Well a clear reference to: or not?

To understand this reference, which came from Duke Nukem 3D, you need to know that when Duke Nukem 3D was released, the game Quake wasn't released yet, but already announced, and it was announced with quite a lot of bravura stating that it will bring 3D like you never saw it before (well for the standards of the time, it did live up to that promise, somehow). As Duke Nukem 3D was created by 3D Realms with whom iD software (The guys behind Quake) used to cooperate a lot, Duke Nukem did make some jokes abou the iD games, so there goes.

This could only refer to "U can't touch this" by M.C. Hammer, where this line is said exactly.

Yup another reference to Indiana Jones. Scyndi's weapon of choice made it obvious to go for Indiana Jones references.

Yup a reference to this song by Michael Jackson.

Based on the words said by Denethor in Lord of the Rings:

Is this from way before your time that John Travolta sang these words to Olivia Newton John in "You're the one that I want" in the movie Grease.

Reference to this winning song in the Eurovision Song Contest representing the United Kingdom.

Reference to the nickname of Elmina in Wild Arms.

Do I really need to tell yo this one?

One of the many laws accredited to Murphy.

Reference to "The Legend of Kyrandia". The game's antagonist once says "Did your mother knit that vest" causing Brandon to say "Your mother lives and I know for sure she must have dressed you." Prompting Malcolm to say "Careful boy! Do not insult a man with knives!" (Malcolm is juggling with knives at the time). I replaced "man" with "girl" due to Merya's gender and also being younger (well with 174 Merya is older than Malcolm could ever get, but for an Elf that is comparable to a teenager).

In Final Fantasy VI (originally released in the US as Final Fantasy III) the character Locke can't stress enough that he is not a thief but a treasure hunter.

Dupe name by mistake, but not gonna change that anymore.

The movement of the Harry Potter spell Wingardium Leviosa.

Reference to the character in the Dutch 1970s children's show: "De stratenmaker-op-zee-show".

Reference to the song by Snap!
Also nice to note that Phil Taylor, darter with the nickname "The Power" used this song as his introduction song whenever he had to begin a match.

This is a phrase said in ancient Dutch that not a single soul still speaks. It means "What is yours is mine". It's actually meant in the manner of communism, in which people are not supposed to have personal possessions, but that everything you have belongs to the group as a whole. The translation I gave is the the most literal translation, but it should be interpreted as "What is yours is mine as well, and vice versa". Now this phrase is also abused by thieves in order to justify their thievery.

This is a reference to Winx Club. The lyrics appear to have changed over time, as the lyrics I originally heard (many years ago) have been used in the trophy name, however I replaced "Winx" to "Wings" as a reference of Aziëlla's wings, but I guess that was obvious.

Harry Potter fans know what I mean.
You don't wanna watch that video too long, as you'll get crazy. In the game "Wolfenstein 3D" the SS soldiers yell this when they day. "Mein Leben" means "My life" in German, though.

This line or something very similar is how most verses end in the song "Lullaby" by The Cure.

This is a reference to "It's a small world, after all". The replacement with "dark world", is due to the dark nature of "Mörker".

A pun on "Run, Forrest! Run!" from Forrest Gump.

Yeah of course this is another Indiana Jones reference. What else did you think?

A pun to "Return of the King", as the 3rd part of Lord of the Rings is called.

Reference to what the Goblins may say when you talk to them in World of Warcraft.

No of course this has nothing to do with Star Wars. What gives you that idea?

Yup reference to James Bond.

Reference to the "Ritt der Walküre" by Richard Wagner. In English the song is more commonly known as "Ride of the Valkyries" which is actually the literal translation from the German language. If you can ever reach this boss (that ain't gonna be easy) that song also plays on the background.

Simply means "Resting in peace" in Latin, and that is also what the abbreviation R.I.P. stands for, and the English version fitting right in it can be considered coincidence, as the Latin meaning is official, the English meaning is not.

Another dupe I am not gonna fix. Sorry!

This is actually what the letter CGA stand for in the context of the old video card. EGA meant "Enhanced Graphics Adapter". VGA meant "Video Graphics Array". I don't know why the switch to 'array' was made, and it's just coincidence it also starts with an 'A' so many people (mistakenly) believe it meant 'adapter' in VGA, as well.

A bit of a pun reference to "Let's get PHYSICAL" by Olivia Newton John.

A bit of a joke referencing to the idiotic battle of C and C++ code, and also the people using those languages sometimes feeling superior over users of over languages.

This is a bit of a reference to Alice Madness Returns.
Alice meets the insane kids in the final chapter and speaks with their leader and asks her: "Is sanity required for the job."
The insane kid leader replies with "A limited quantity. You're not mad enough to be rejected".

Oh come on. You know know this one by now!

Reference to Shan Yu, the villain from Mulan who says this with a very sarcastic and sadistic smirk.

Yup, reference to the show with the same name. Any questions?

Reference to "The Red Witch" in a song of ice and fire (thanks to HBO falsely known as "Game of Thrones", which was only the name of the first book of the series).

A bit of a dark version of "Sealed with a kiss" I guess.

Reference to Gladiator:

Just a general pun to super heroes.

A reference to Adam Savage saying this in an episode of Mythbusters. Now it appears he was also referencing to somebody. Oh well.

Reference to the beautiful song by Art Garfunkel.