Comments (22)
Looks like an interesting game,
Good luck with the development! :D
(Outdated... Development has ended. Game available for download now).
Before you comment:
This game is still in development, there are no downloads yet, so don't ask me about them, as I will just delete those comments without bothering to answer.
If you have questions what to expect about the game, I will gladly answer....
Please note, this is a REVAMP of a game I did before in order to make improvements. Those who played the original game must be very alert on using the spoiler tags if asking questions regarding the story line!
(The like and dislike feature has been turned off, as I do not want any up/down ratings for a product that you cannot judge properly since you can't download. Obvious, huh?)
Edit: If you are interested in alpha testing, follow this game, as an announcement for needing alpha testers will appear soon.
Name Your Price
The Secrets of Dyrt.NET
This is the beta version. Requires .NET 4.8 to run. This version has full audio
The Secrets of Dyrt - Without Music
The full game, but with the music files not available. This cuts a bit on the total experience, but if you have low storage capacity or a very bad internet connection, this should definitely help.
The epic story where eight young heroes have to uncover and fight a great evil has been entirely revamped. A brand new engine. Taking advantage of the Kthura Map Engine, more compatibilities with bigger and smaller screens, more work on balancing out the game engine, and for Game Jolt folks, even more playble content depending on the trophies you have won in any of my games (games released later than this game may not be covered until an update of this game has been uploaded).
To meet the cast go to my GJ Site!
Eight playable characters with each of them their unique skills and abilities
A very sophisticated skill leveling system, which provides a rather dynamic way of working your characters out.
Flexible level cap, which gives you an extra challenge
Three difficulty settings. to make the game fun for beginners, casual gamers and the one who only see a challenge in the impossible.
Tons and tons of achievement/trophies to go for, there are hardly any games providing more. Can you get them all?
Special time based combat engine, but unlike ATB, the time freezes when entering a move, so you can have time to think. This combat system provides a few features which can, when used well, give you even more power against your enemies, but if you are not good enough for that you can also skip that. It's all up to you.
Several secret dungeons and optional bosses
A New Game+ which provides even a few more dungeons the normal game won't feature
A very deep story line with actual character development. Not only great care was taken with the "good guys", but also with the "bad guys". The story is part of a very great lore of which this is only one tale.
The entire game is mouse controlled.
Due to it using the .NET framework the game should be easily portable to other OSes and even mobile devices, but I never tested this out, and I will require some assistance there. If you think you can make it happen, contact me. ;)
The UI may differ a bit from what you are used to see in jRPG style games, but it has been thought out, and I aimed on speed (of human usage not in the terms of CPU speed) and organization.
All items and abilities/spells have a very detailed help-text. You can turn that on or off as you please.
VIT bars which do refill your HP after battle, but watch it, when it's gone you'll need a recovery point to refill them.
Most notable differences with the original game
The original game used TeddyBear a tile based map system. This game uses Kthura an object based system, and the latter allowed me to make makes a lot more fancier.
The "Haggle" feature has been removed. More trouble than it was worth. I am thinking to give Rebecca a different personal skill.
Speed has been more properly balanced as in the original game, some fast enemies could make the game BOOORING!
The UI has been completely replaced with a new one, which is faster to use and also looking a bit fancier, and also more in line with TFT Revamped and Star Story.
The original game had no VIT bars. They were back then left out due to time schedule reasons, as they were planned. This version has them.
The original game used Lua, this game uses NIL, and the entire engine originally written in BlitzMax using OpenGL, this new version has been written in C# using DirectX. This required me to remove Mac compatibility, although it is still possible to make an OpenGL based version of the game, as I wrote the engine to allow more export to other kinds of engines, allowing me to revive this game in the future when this engine is too old by just writing a new engine... Well that was the idea, anyway.
Brendor's push ability will be replaced by crushing weak walls. This is a technical issue.
Some abilities have been added the original game didn't have. Some abilities have been removed also, though.
No, the savegames of the original game are NOT compatible with this version of the game. The differences between the two games may look small, but under the hood literally EVERYTHING has been changed, or to be more precise, it has been rewritten from scratch.

System requirements or recommendations
NOTE! This list is not yet final.... things may be adapted, added or removed
1 GB Free RAM at least required
Windows 10 (older windows versions or ports through Wine or Mono not tested)
.NET 4.8 (or later)
Six-Core CPU 3.40 GHz recommended (lower should work, but the game can be lagging)
64 bit system
100 KB Disk Space available for data swapping (the folder where the swap data and save games should be stored *can* be configured).
A mouse
And recommended but not required... a Game Jolt account 😁
#rpg #dotnet #NIL #NALA #turnbased #trophies #trophy #maleprotagonist #fantasy #strongstoryline #story #achievement #achievements #trophy #trophies #game #mouse #keyboard #cool #eric #irravonia #brendor #seelahgandra #scyndi #rebecca #dernor #merya #aziella #opensource #phantasar #fun #flexleveling #nice #free #remake #improvements #english #dutch #windows #human #humans #fairy #fairies #elf #elves #befindo #befindos
Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Sexual Themes
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling