I was able to deliver on my promise to get private demos out.
Unfortunately, feedback was not very helpful.
Of my beta testers, the positive and negative feedback seemed to even out. For every good thing about the game there was also a flaw with it.
I was hoping the demo would swing either way so I could conclusively know whether it was good or bad, but it was even more polarized than beta testing.
One demo recipient said the game was for the most part enjoyable, but too easy, while another couldn't beat night 2 and said the game was confusing and not fun.
While it wasn't pleasant, I eventually accepted that the game had major flaws that I couldn't ignore any longer. For instance, one of the most glaring flaws was that the game required players to act so far in advance that by the time most testers realized what they *should* have done, it was too late and they couldn't act anymore. So they would just sit there and wait for the game over screen. Or worse, reset.
So how am I fixing these problems?
I'm taking a big step back for a few days to come up with a way to address the issues. It's very clear the gameplay needs an overhaul.
Consider anything after this post to be part of "Project Mary V2"