Finally, a new build, bringing Spamocalypse to 0.5.0. I finally added the last playable level, and a credits/game stats scene that shows you how many spammers you killed, how many times you were detected (hopefully zero), how many times you were killed (zero, right?), and how much loot you stole over the course of the game. The tutorial level does not count towards these stats, but the other four playable levels do.
Here’s what the credits screen looks like at the moment. The text will scroll up until it reaches a maximum value, but you can skip this by either pressing Escape, or clicking the graffiti that says “STFU” :p
The last level, or “Escape”, uses the same scenery as “City Inbound”, the first non-tutorial level. However, this time the player starts just outside the Tinterwebz Museum (where the previous level took place) and needs to get back to the sewers where you started. The NPCs also use different paths. There’s no loot this time - just get the taff out of town!
There’s still a few bugs, but nothing which doesn’t have a workaround. I also realised that I forgot to finish off one or two briefings, and the tins of spam that the bots launch don’t disappear on impact…however, those are the only new issues that I’ve noticed. I also need to add more props to the levels, mainly so they don’t look so empty, and so the player has more places to hide.
Almost two years since I started working on this…I might actually finish this! :)