2Volution WIP

8 years ago

Spine2D integration

So I just bought spine2D, there were lots of problems with the previous animation system that made it unusable in the long term. So I decided to buy Spine2D and I’ve been learning it for the past few hours.

So far I’m really loving it and it seems to fit all my needs. I can tick that off my to-do list now…



Next up

When lighting breaks...

Spine2D Implementation nearly finished + DEMO


Ha! Super smooth auto-tile renderer. No more blocks!

State of the game and other news

Playing around with lighting again

The Return of the Game

Update #20: Multiplayer, Lighting, Water and Animations

planning stuff on vacation I’m on a vacation for a few days, so instead of coding I’ve been writing down lots of very _secret_ ideas and updating the games roadmap. _you can post devlogs from phone? Nice._

Even more lights?