Yes, it is finally happening, I'm searching for people to join the team
What are we ( specially ) searching for?
Well, specifically, we are searching for spriters, more specifically, background and tileset spriters, since i cover all the sprites of characters and animations in the game, only asset missing sprite-related are personalized tileset, since I'm not enthusiastic about using the ones in painful, not because they are bad, but just because they don't fit the style I'm going for.
Of course, that doesn't mean that we don't welcome any other non-spriter people, other roles are also welcomed, such as;
Digital artists
Goofy goobers
What for?
It is pretty obvious by the context, but the real development has started, currently main objective is getting the demo done. Right now i have two other people working with me at the time, one is @Gamedevtest2 , which is a coder, and the other is @Termskii , as a musician. I'm not particularly searching to have a huge team at the moment, but some more members wouldn't be so bad, specially spriters as i stated before.
Some other important things:
As an universal law, doesn't matter if you are a coder, spriter, etc. It would be good that you have some experience, not necessarily much but enough to kinda know your stuff.
As I said before, by the time, the main objective is to finish the demo, once that is done, the development may or may not stop a bit until I'm sure that we can go for the full game.
More things will be cleared out in DM. You can either talk to me via sending a friend request here, or you can talk to me via my discord ( Which i recovered luckily ) that is "Boombatt#3507"
#lisafangames #fangame #lisathepainful #dev #team #recruitment #spriter