The story of interstellar inspires this game. The story of humanity's first mission across space and time, entering a wormhole by penetrating a distance of millions of light-years that is unimaginable, where the breakneck speed of light (299,792,458 m/s) gives a time dilation effect, which allows them to stay alive, even though the normal time on earth has been decades. From the film, a game developer sees a unique, scientifically justified phenomenon that may only have been experienced by UFO vehicles.
This game tells about a UFO trapped in a wormhole. In a dark space of time and no means of communication, radio, internet, or smoke like ancient times. One thing to do is try as much as possible to get out of the wormhole. Pass through time and space until you return to your colorful home planet. The main obstacle to UFO return is gravity and other celestial bodies. And this journey has a distance of more than hundreds of millions of light-years.
(1 light-year = 50 million years journey using car with speed 80km/h nonstop)