Ruby: Huntress of Vale
2 years ago

There here! The final version of Apathy! They drain your Energy (and Aura once energy depletes) over time!

Also check article below on some behind the scenes of "Ruby A RWBY Fangame" Part 2 is how I added Apathy to the game!

Hello everyone! I recorded Part 1 and Part 2 of Behind the scenes of "Ruby: A RWBY Fangame".

In Part 1 I give a general Overview of how the game is set up, the general flow of the game, how locations in Story mode are done, and some general explanation on how Clickteam Fusion Works.


In part 2 I go more into detail about how enemies work, and even add a new enemy to the game! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3oLifOzxnQ

Part 3 Though in retro probably should have been the first. In this one I play some Arcade mode while going over some commonly seen questions I've gotten while working on "Ruby: A RWWBY Fangame"



Next up

Ruby: Huntress of Vale 2.0.11! Added some new combat + defensive options for Yang & Weiss!

With Ruby: Huntress of Vale I really wanted to build the game around the idea of fighting as a team, instead of fighting solo. First was the inclusion of AI controlled partners, next is the inclusion of tag in support! Coming soon!

Progress with playable Blake!

Come visit our Patreon to read up on some of the cool new things Fusion3 can do with your objects. Monthly blogs start now! #CF25 #Clickteam #MadeWithFusion


This will be the day we we've waited for! "Ruby: Huntress of Vale" v 2.0.2 is now Available! New Ui! New custom voice overs! New tweaked combat mechanics! Xbox controller support! Additional post chapter 3 content! And more!

Simple Localization for Clickteam Fusion 2.5+!

This .mfa includes only the necessary code and tips to implement your own localization system using .csv files to store the texts!

Open the article to get started.

I have exciting news! Synthetic Onslaught Is getting a revamp! A new Hub area, the return of the Fog of War, new enemies, etc! Read more below:

Synthetic Onslaught Re-Released?? Apparently packages had been set to private at some point, or maybe have been private for past few years, IDK. I was here upload a bugfix patch, but maybe this may actually release day for most of you... o.O Well enjoy!

Happy new year! Here are 16 free examples :P (Check Article)

Well everyone, this will be the day we've waited for. “Ruby: A RWBY Fangame” v1.7.8 is now released! This is a major content update, with new story, new music, new art, new enemies, and gameplay mechanics. So much so, I made a new Trailer for the game!