
3 years ago

ToruTaru early access release on Steam 9/21/2021

Wishlist now!

The infinitely generated haunted Japanese mansion is finally coming to Steam!

I want to say first I'm extremely grateful for everyone who has enjoyed ToruTaru in its primitive state, who has gotten lost inside the mansion and become horrified. I've said many times to my friends that making games is my favorite artform, since I can make a whole world and throw people inside. It's so all-encompassing, and with a randomly generated game even I am surprised by what the game can do. I will never forget all of the early players and streamers who made suggestions, played, enjoyed, built relationships with me, and immersed themselves in what ToruTaru and my other games had to offer.

I'm very proud to announce that ToruTaru is going to be released on Steam for early access on 9/21, two weeks from today. The timing is so ToruTaru can participate in Steam's Halloween sale. Please wishlist!

Over the next year or two, the following will be added to the Steam version of ToruTaru:

  • A conclusion to the story

  • New enemies, new level types, new talismans, new quests, new notes, new pickups, new toys

  • Achievements & Leaderboards

  • Refinements to gameplay and UI elements

  • Much, much more

I will be leaving the old versions of ToruTaru on Gamejolt and so people can still play the old versions, but the free version will no longer be updated.

Once again thank you so much for playing, for your (emotional) support while I developed this game, and enjoy what the future has to offer.





Next up

ToruTaru Major Update 0.4

"Definitive beta" patch

0.4.2 "STATS" update

Scenes from the AI-generated #horror experience ToruTaru

#survivalhorror #procedural #altgame #other #adventure

ToruTaru 0.6.0 “Sick Infinity” Major Update Changelog

0.4.9 "MATCHMAKER" Update Released

0.5.2 "GOREKEEPER" Major Update


ToruTaru version 0.3.0 - "Worlds" Major Update.

Details below:

"MATCHMAKER" update 0.4.9 coming soon

0.5.1 “4AM CINEMATIC” major update