Hey everyone! Welcome back to another bi-weekly article.
The Story
As you know, the team had to re-write the story due to some concerns in relation to canon and claiming parts of the UT universe for our own purposes, and right now we're happy to announce that the Geno route has been fully written! The Pacifist and Neutral routes are still a work in progress, but they're still mostly done!

Most characters have been designed and written, with some of their attack patterns planned out, and their place in the story ensured. Although, some are still in the workshop, but be sure that those we plan to include in the demo are finished and done. I wish I could talk about them, but I'd hate to spoil them to you all. The designs will be shown either in art or devlogs in the future, though!

The Team
We think it's about time to start off some introductions if we mean to continue releasing devlogs and The Demo for the foreseeable future. And to start it off, me!
You can call me Cleer. I'm the main artist and writer in our team. I've coded my fair share but most of my contributions come in the creative department. I'm also in charge of managing the account and write (most) of our devlogs and posts.
The Demo
Still in the works! Not a lot of progress has been made due to the holidays, as we have been quite busy with our families, but abandoned it is not! Hopefully we'll have more to tell you about in the next devlog, but for now, that's all!
See you all next devlog!
- Team UTO