I'm back! I've been working on the mod relatively consistently for a while, and here's the overall progress:
4 regular rooms left (Not counting Toriel's house and the Ruins Exit, as that area will not be accessible in this version.)
Some amount of Forgotten Paths rooms left (I haven't done much work on that yet.)
I've also been working on going back and fixing older sprites that were absolute garbage. Case in point, the Flowey sprites, which I ended up completely redrawing because I managed to make my first sprites worse than the original.
Along with this, I've gone back and changed some rooms that I've already revamped to bring them up to the standard my other rooms have now set.
As for a v0.0.4 release date...
...I have no idea.
Hopefully it will be done before DELTARUNE Chapters 3 and 4 come out, though.
That's all for now, I guess.
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