Update 9 details
Discover your province
From now on, you can't see all of the generated map, only the areas where you can build. You discover areas around your city hall (middle of your province, your starting spot) by leveling up.

Objectives! Every in-game year, you'll get 3 random objectives. By completing them, you will be rewarded with 1 development point for each objective you completed at the end of the in-game year.

New areas: fishing zone, hunting lodge, watchtower, restaurant

hunting lodge (left), fishing zone (right)

restaurant (left), watchtower (right)
Fishing zone, hunting lodge: new ways for food gathering
Watchtower: reduces the chance of fire in a range
Restaurant: boosts all nearby foodmaker buildings' production period by 50%.
Food industry developments
You should have enough food to keep your people healthy and happy. And alive. Yeah.

No requirement; Increase the farm's maximum workers by 4.
No requirement; Increase the hunting lodge's income by 2.
No requirement; Speed up the farm's production period by 6 days.
Requires development (1) and (2) and (3); Unlock the restaurant (see above)
Redesigned: bank and church
Deposit. Wait. Profit!
The church has a chance to increase the overall happiness by 25 days.