Well yep! And I think it's about time, no?
What you see is that I am writing the Match timer. You can set the amount of time to whatever as well! Hours, minutes, seconds, and the milliseconds are calculated. :)
Format, as you can see is ##:##:##.###. I even accounted for when one of the units = 0. Which will preset the UI to "00" for hours, minutes and seconds, as well as "000" for milliseconds. I'm thinking of trying to work my magic as well on a milliseconds timer with smaller text like in Ultimate.
The default value for Time matches when you first boot up Feud, whenever I release the first build, will be 2 minutes, 0 seconds and 0 milliseconds.
"You put all of that in Update()? Won't that bog down performance?"
I put it in a Coroutine with my own ticker, which equals to about 1/60 of a second * time.deltaTime.
I even began to work on making the final timer as well, when you reach 5 seconds and 0 milliseconds. The Start "3! 2! 1! GO!" timer will be next. I will be using placeholder Annoucer clips for testing. But Super Smash Bros. Feud will eventually feature a new Announcer entirely. Recorded and performed by Yours Truly.
Since right now I have no creativity for working on fighters, I decided to tackle something else gameplay-related: the timer. And so far it's working flawlessly!
What I may also do soon-ish is begin working on the Stock count UI for life/stock battles. I'll use a placeholder stock icon for testing, like the Smash circle logo, but my stock icons will go back to the style used in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U. I don't really like the design of Ultimate's.
Which reminds me, I'd better work on Blast Zones haha.
Woo, wall of text for something small, huh? XD