Sil's Collection of Things
1 year ago

V1.8 Update + Coming to V1.9

Hey, less than two months later and another update is here. Pack your bags because you're going to Brazil.

Balance Changes

  • Distrust Angela has had a rework to all four phases. This lessens the unfairness of the fight while still being relatively challenging.

    • If you want to play the old version, you can play the fight on Classic Mode.

  • Genocide Muffet's bullet board is made wider, making it easier to react to the patterns.

  • Debug now has two new features - You can end any attack by pressing "T" (except in certain circumstances), and you can read a monster's stats in real time. I will warn you that ending some attacks prematurely might break the game. Use with caution.

What's New?

  • The last two bonus games, Big Chungus and Genocide Asriel, have been added.

  • There is a teaser for Final Fight if you beat every bonus game on Normal Mode and collect 20,000 Silcoins, which will give you early access to the credits sequence.

  • You can now have up to 3 different save files. If you have already played the game, all of your progress is saved to slot 1.

    • There are four stars associated with the file: Beating all normal games, beating all bonus games, beating Final Fight and getting every achievement.

    • To prevent sneaky siblings from deleting your save file, you will need to enter your PC hostname (case-sensitive) to confirm you want to delete the file. This is for in-game security measures, outside of the game I have no control over. Back up your saves REGULARLY.

  • Boss Rush is no longer playable on Debug Mode.

    • In addition, issues related to soul speed are now fixed between bosses.

  • The Game Over screen will now tell you what attack you have died on, and what you have died to. This can be used to post screenshot progress on any given challenge run.

  • A reworked achievement system. This does mean that all of your current achievement progress is reset (sorry!), but now you have more things to brag about... if any at all.

    • There is a now a tracker for each individual phase, which makes it possible to obtain no hit on a single phase in a full-game run or Boss Rush.

  • A new bonus message will appear on your screen if you max out the coin counter on the game menu.

  • You can now hold X/RShift to slow down the orange soul (Perpetual Motion).

  • Some changes have been made for Family Friendly gameplay.

  • Disable Effects will now turn off 99.9% of the screen shaking. There is still a small bit of it left, but it will be nowhere near as strong if you have Disable Effects enabled.

Coming to V1.9

  • Final Fight will be added. This will be the last game in the collection, every update from that point onward will likely be small bug fixes or balancing changes.

    • Be warned, you will not be able to play Final Fight with Debug or Easy Mode enabled.

  • Practice Mode will be added to allow easier practicing of independent attacks. This will work differently from using Debug Mode, as using it to repeat certain attacks can either break the game or hinder performance.

  • Music and sound sliders, which will replace the No Music option.

  • An option to play Undyne The True Undying with just one shield.

This is just a rough plan so far, everything is subject to change.



Next up

Buckle your seatbelts.


[DEVLOG] - We've been hard at work.

Here's some of what to expect in the upcoming Family Friendly mode.

Coming to V1.6

Angry Sans progress

Yep, uhh... okay.

Undertale Last Breath: Definitive Edition is now available!

Undertale Last Breath Renewed: Deluxe has entered public beta!

Practice Mode is working