Outertale (Project Spacetime)
5 months ago

v5.02 has been uploaded (once again) and is ready for download! The changelog is available in the article below. A spoiler tag protects spoiler changes.

> Yet again, further effort has been made to prevent white screens. They may be inevitable on some devices, but hopefully it's good enough now that it won't be as big of a problem as it was before. No promises, though...

> All usages of "farther" in dialogue were replaced with "further" to maintain consistent spelling.

> The backslash key can now be used in addition to F12 to open the DevTools menu in debug mode.

> Medi0creking is now in the in-game credits!


> A save point has been added to the Mettaton fountain room. Yippee!

> Canis Maximus (Annoying Dog)'s "sad" sprite was changed to have the eyes closed on both animation frames.

> One of Burgie's facial expressions had a missing pixel, this has been fixed.

> Saying no to Asgore when he asks you to enter the archive, then immediately saying yes without backtracking to Alphys no longer causes an issue after arriving in the bastion box room.

> The line Undyne uses in the bully route when you attack her lost soul form now makes sense for the story variants after both saving and leaving monster kid earlier on.

> Mentions of "orange crush soda" have been changed to "orange soda," though the line about "crushingly orange soda" has been kept, as well as crushing the soda to boost ATTACK.

> A grammar error during one of Twinkly's post-neutral mini-monologues has been fixed.

> Both the Mettaton SIGMA and Alphys fights have been updated to include a hint towards checking their respective ACT menus.

> If you kill monsters in Starton, then kill monsters in the Foundry, Alphys's OuterNet private messages to Sans regarding the evacuation of the Foundry now have a variant in case of a low encounter kill count there.

> Chara's sprite on the new homeworld in the lv0 route now uses the appearance they have in the Twinkly fight intro sequence.

> A memory leak caused by animated stars in the overworld's background have been fixed.

> The Epiphany can now be taken during the lv0 epilogue as well as the bully route epilogue. Still won't be useful there, though.

> Whizkarat's speech bubble now appears in the correct location in battle.

> Whizkarat's flavor text after they turn into a mouse now appears as it should.

> The REGEN status effect should now only apply when the SOUL is visible and inside the battle box.

> A few more spelling mistakes, typos, and line break issues were fixed across the game.

> The Filament and Sliders re-usable items should now be translatable with the language system.

> In the Last Corridor, Sans now mentions having a talk with Asgore in the lv20 route.

> The on-screen centered text seen throughout the Twinkly fight is now formatted through the language formatter to ease translation.

> A few mistaken references to "Moldbygg" in ACT text have been replaced with "Gelata."

> The interaction for Toriel's diary will no longer mention her name if she is dead, no matter the circumstances.

> Whizkarat's check text after they turn into a mouse now refers to them as a mouse.

> Flirting with or insulting Papyrus after he's already reacted to everything will no longer repeat similar text twice.

> Changed more instances of Frisk's action text using past tence rather than present tense.




Next up

literally 1984

I won't be showing much past these first couple of rooms, but here's the finished decorations for room 2!

(floors got an upgrade as well)

2/30 rooms done!

happy halloween

Due to Gamejolt sucking really bad, I can't finish the upload of 5.04. I tried yesterday and today, and it still broken. This update fixes that new chaotic route bug introduced in 5.03.

If you want this update, go here:


At last, it's time for the 2,000 follower special!

A reveal of the final artwork used for the Napstablook chill cutscene, drawn by @NerNot1

Thank you everyone for following the game!

pre-game menu! can set music, sound, and keybinds before you launch the game now.

K I T T Y E M U 2

Added settings menu!! And a new track called "Arrival" which will play when you first get in the overworld!

I think it sets the tone better than using the main track right away, instead that can play after a specific point.

I decided not to continue writing the script, as enough is written to do the rest on the fly. Instead, I've started on overworld stuff!

Here's a preview (ignore the bugged menu layering lol)

Also, notice how things synchronize with music?

Overworld got a color upgrade! (hopefully this will be easier on the eyes)