FNaF World XL
2 years ago



It's been a long road to reach this point, but we've finally reached the legendary... Version 1.0.0!


If you're new to the game, I'd honestly suggest just ignoring this changelog for the time being and jumping right in!

(You'll ruin some surprises otherwise.)

As for the rest of you who have been following along, here's the massive changelog I've brought to the table.

New Content:

-Three new characters join the party:

Sparky, Robert, and Golden Freddy (FNaF 2)!

-Accompanying these new additions are also some new skills:

Hallucination and Jumpscare 2!

-Still not enticing? Perhaps I should mention that Plush Storm returns as a useable skill!

(P.S. If you're really lucky, Prize Balls have a chance to cast it, or even Quick Fix!)

-The last core set of Bytes are here:

Mini Reaper, Reaper, X-Reaper, Mini-FO, UFO, X-FO, Block5, Block20, Block50, Pop-pop, BOOM, and KABOOM!

-Mendo is here!

-Endo upgrades are in! 5 sets can now be used:

Classic, Reinforced, Steel, Titanium, and Nightmare

(You come equipped with the Classic set from the start!)

Equip these new items to gain special new buffs for your team!

-Continuing the trend the Pulse Lure set, 3 new powerups can now be collected:

Deluxe Voucher, Run Pass and Revive Coin!

-A new menu has been added in: Items!

(This menu is the combination of Bytes, Chips, and what would've been Endo)

-Pirate Plunder Showtime skill sets sail!

(Usable by Foxy, Mangle and/or Withered Foxy.)

-The final Bosses (and their respective endings) are here!

Can you beat the one pulling the strings, or even overcome his twisted creation out for revenge?

-5 new Minibosses have been spotted:

GG, Goldbeard, Rouletta, Copycat, and Pyrite Freddy!

-The final (and most deadly) non-character specific skills of the original game are now at your enemies' disposal:

Alarm and 4th Wall!

-Still not scared? Your enemies also have access to even more skills:

Pizza Wheel, Pizza Wheel 2, Cupcakes, Toxic Tide, Haunting, Hocus Pocus, Mimic, and even a very special Jumpscare!

-Sidequests are now live! Find Robbie, Pam, Arthur and Max in the Overworld to complete additional tasks and unlock bonus rewards!

-Alongside the Sidequest addition, two new currencies have been added: Salvaged Parts and Special Parts!

-Mine entrances, mine exits and torches have new sprites!

-Lilygear Lake finally has lilies!

-Map has been replaced with a new accurate version, which now also includes actual tracking for Fredbear's position, and a zoom function!

-To both offer an easier time for players trying not getting swamped by enemies, but also cater to those specifically looking for a fight, the XL Enemy Mode now has configurable Spawn Chance!

(1/1-1/10 chance for each Enemy Glitch to spawn in.)



-Updated enemy attacks to a system similar to the shared setup the player's team has. Should result in more consistent attacks.

-Fixed various skills that weren't performing properly after the last big battle revamp

-Updated configuration of team swapping whenever the player leaves the Party Select menu (either of their own choice or by a Game Over)

-Fixed both the names displayed and the battle music used when encountering Challengers in &*_ _ _TWRE

-Fixed issue with enemy damage numbers popping off on attacks that don't hit them

-Fixed issue where a skill activated Mimic's turn state would persist to the next battle, allowing the first attack to be copied regardless

-Fixed an issue where teammates would have attack animations during Showtime when they should be dead

-Fixed issue where some Chillaxes were cosplaying as Boxytes

-HEAVILY nerfed Unscrew and Unscrew 2

-Buffed healing and damage for Plush Storm

-Buffed damage of all Showtime skills

-Buffed the passive regen of Dummy

-Fixed an issue with the Fan's laser hitboxes

-Major changes to Jack-O-Bombs, Balloons 2 and 4th Wall to make them viable


-Renamed the Pause button. It is now labeled "Options" to better convey it's utility.

-Adjusted position of Fredbear's hitboxes so that he can't be easily skipped

-Token Chest pull rates have been increased (especially for the red set)

-Token Chests now have a chance to carry Coins instead!

(Does not apply to the glitched variety.)

-Downscaled HUD so it takes up less screen space and accommodate additions

-Replaced tents in mineshafts with more appropriate exits

(Not counting sections that belong to Pinwheel Funhouse.)

-With the map is pulled up, Enemy Glitches now have a lower chance of engaging a battle upon contact with the Player

(Roughly 1/30 chance to still engage under these conditions, no restrictions applied to Challenger Glitches or Glitched Chest encounters.)

-Activating any switch will autosave progress

Party Select:

-Fixed major issue where characters would revert to Level 0 when starting a new save and exiting the Party Select screen

-Fixed background displayed when in secret areas


-Right clicking an active Byte or Chip will reset the slot, allowing for an even more streamlined experience changing equipped items!


-Options menu now properly tracks adjusted settings

-Loading Screen now displays more characters (also provides a hint for one of the game's most elusive secrets!)

-Adjusted delay times on Loading Screen

-Loading Screen autosaves story progress, so that players won't need to go through Fredbear's text again if they quit without saving and then continue on that file

-Made absolutely certain players can't get stuck in the HE section

-Adjusted some backgrounds on the title screen and NPC chat frames

And thanks to some unexpected feedback from one of the playtesters, we also have actual fixes (and new content) for...


-Made the access warp available again

(But because the characters are still very much out of place and overpowered for the current state of the game, it'll now be using the secret warp hidden within Fazbear Hills. It's in roughly the same spot as the original, with the same method of collision breaking required to reach it.)

-Fixed issues regarding spawn softlocks in the Halloween Backstage Prototype

-Replaced "Repair Devices" function with "Repair Ventilation", with an accompanying slow fade to black instead of a flicker

-Buffed recharge rate of Flash Charge

-Added additional Controls display to Pre-Night

-Rebalanced difficulty to cater more towards the featured Challenger (but still keep the rest of the cast a prominent threat)

-Fixed a major issue where Max would attack the same doorway Possy is currently occupying, resulting in a lose-lose situation. To fix this, Possy will completely block an attack from Max if he's at the same doorway Max is charging

(A sound cue will help indicate that this occured.)

-Nightmarionne's main body now only sits in one section of your Office at any given time. He can switch spots whenever the camera is up.

-Added in two new cameras to help monitor two extra sections:

The Emergency Coolant Vent (E.M.C.), and the Breaker Room

-Added a new controllable R.A.S.C.!

-To counterbalance all these nice fixes (and obviously tease future content), a few more friends have joined in on the fun:

Mr. Chipper, Coffee, Purpleguy, and Golden Freddy (FNaF 2)!

I think that's all the patch notes, though I may be forgetting stuff. (This is including content V0.9 added in since that wasn't quite a proper release, and a LOT has happened in that time.)

In the mean time, I'm gonna take a well deserved breather.

Hope you enjoy the game!

'Till next time!




Next up

That doesn't look safe...

No poll for today, though I figured a sneek peek at the next update's changelog is warranted.

Version 1.2.0 is here!

Motivation has returned in a substantial enough way.

How about we change things up?

It's been a long time coming...

Suppose it was about time that some of these skills got a little extra kick.

Okay, the classic "Vent about it not working, then find a fix almost immediately" tactic has worked yet again. Still got some more stuff to fix, but it's something.

Thanks for putting up with this mini crisis of mine.

Not quite the fix I've been talking about for the past few weeks, but it's at least progress.

Well I've had a VERY productive night.