Quick disclaimer: The contents of this poll are intended for the update after this upcoming one (V1.2.0)
So I'll try to keep the context simple: in the near future, I plan to pull Robert from the standard roster and move him to the secret roster. (Of course upgrading him with a stronger kit and maybe adding some extra effects to emphasize his ties to the original costume contest.)
This major change will leave a prominent opening in the base roster.
How should I handle the decision for this upcoming opening in the party?
Option 1: I go with my gut instinct and pick out the new character on my own
(I do already have something in mind if this option wins.)
Option 2: I assemble a hefty one-off poll full of choices to decide who will become a new playable character
Option 3: I set up a tournament bracket to decide who will become a new playable character
(And likely generate additional hype for the game on top of what already exists.)
Anyways, development is going fine. Fixing up the damage on Snowballs; working on a new Showtime skill. Good times. Should have some more to show off soon.
'Till next time!