Virvius (Shareware Demo)
1 year ago

Virvius Update (March 11 2024)

Log - 03/11/24


With great excitement and relief, Virvius episode 1 development is nearly at it's end. Within the past two months, 3 levels were pushed in record time and managed to even build a final boss for EP1-L10. Going forth there will be some patching, polishing and small features added to the game so we can have a stabilized build for April 6th.

Feel free to try out the newest Demo for Virvius and express any thoughts or concerns or any other game inquiries to the Steam Discussion board

 or Enfenyx Gaming - Virvius Discord Server.

 I would love to hear from you!


  1. Level 8: Erode Asylum built.

  2. Level 9: Carnage Lichyard built.

  3. Level 10: Reapers Scaffold built.

  4. New Enemy: Necrosis.

  5. New torch props.

  6. Setup a black screen fade when player transitions into a level.

  7. Changed appearance of energy and plasma projectiles.

  8. New music for levels 8, 9, 10 + boss.


  • Some sprite elements are broken on long resolutions.

  • Boss room door does not lock when engaged in battle in Level 10.

  • Enemies not on Nav mesh errors pop up on Level 10.

  • Boss type enemies cannot be gibbed.

  • Fixed the flame particle system for torches.

  • Elite enemy launches grenades directly down at player.


  1. Player keeps moving after being on a moving platform on Level 7.

  2. Player can survive Lasers with full armor and health.

  3. Photon Cannon Revs up immediately after shooting.

  4. Berserk powerup falls through floor in level 6.

  5. Rain trigger doesn't reactive when in rain.

  6. Crushers in level 6 can catch player with god mode causing the player to get stuck.

  7. Number of Enemies killed in level doesn't match the total number of enemies in the level.

  8. Noticeable jitter on moving platforms.

  9. Enemies stick to player on Level 6 Main Elevator.

  10. Enemies have a late animation call when they are damaged or just died.

  11. Dying and loading the file, gun animation doesn't reset and shoot in half animation.


  • Change weapon wheel selection movement from keyboard to mouse.

  • Create a popup UI or weapon selection popup on bottom of screen.

  • Design better visual textures for the game.

  • Add barely surviving health to empower the player.

  • Add health based enemy pushback, instead of a damage timer.

  • Design a runic key as a key alternative.

  • Runic Key needs to implemented into UI.

  • Add a vibration strength option

  • Add 3-1-3 movement to enemies.

  • Create Achievements for Steam



Next up

Big update to the game visuals and focused on removing older assets put into the project from the start. This update is improved from most of faults from previous builds. The main focus was to initiate a better player experience and visual aspects. 

Virvius Update (07/12/22)

Virvius Update (08/29/21)

@ColesyGaming is a Jolter to Watch! They post great gaming videos! Follow them before the quest ends on September 24 and you'll get Coins!

Devastation - ATAR (Game Reboot)

Our 2024 Advent Calendar has opened! Day 21: @DarkTaurus is a great Creator who creates content centered around horror games! Accept the quest and give them a follow to get Coins and a seasonal sticker!

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Devastation - Annihilate the Alien Race [Game Reboot] V3

Dev Log: January 21th, 2022

@KniteBlargh is a Jolter to Watch! They post great fan art, original characters, and more! Follow them before the quest ends on January 7 and you'll get Coins!

I just built a new Weapon for Virvius. I called it the Photon Cannon. The weapon animates by opening up and the spinning rotor fires off plasma then closes after with the rotor spinning down. #shooter #gamedev #gamedevelopment #indie #indieDev #retro