Hello Everyone!

In today’s devlog I’ll present to you the VOID_r’s first boss and some story missions.
The Eye:

Here’s The Eye in all of his glory (ugliness) :p
He is the first boss you will be facing in the game, after completing the first act. I don’t want to spoil too much, but he has 2 forms :)
Story missions:
Half of the second act’s missions are done which means that there are 7 more to do. It shouldn’t take me long because i have some ideas for them.

(The current missions screen)
What’s left to do and release date:
I still need to finish the 2nd and 3rd act, after that I’ll write the story into the game and do the ending. When all of that is done, I’ll deal with the Trophies and glitches.
I don’t have a release date yet but i really would like to release it on 21st of January.
Okay, that’s it for this devlog. Expect a VOID_r Talk tomorrow.