Hello everyone!
As I promised, here’s a devlog about the release date and some more stuff.
The release date:

25th of February 2018. I know It’s quite a late date but I really want this game to be good and It’ll take some time. I’ve also taken into account the poll I’ve made previously. Everyone voted on the last option, which is “Release It when It’s finished!” and I really like that. I’ve been struggling a lot with the Mid-Development Hell (the time during game development when you get so bored with making the game that you just want to stop) but now I’m back on track.
Story Missions and Progress:
8 out of 13 story missions are currently done. I’m working on the second boss right now meaning that around 50% of the game (keep in mind this is overall, so rest of the stuff is simple and I’ll deal with it quickly) is finished.
Remember to follow me on my Twitter because I might be posting something about the second boss.
That’s about it for now, because I want to continue working on VOID_r. Have a good day!
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