Hello everyone!
In this VOID_r Talk: Problems I’m currently facing with making the game and the story behind Spaceshipped.
(Lots of reading below!)
The Problems:
I’ve recently hit a wall while making VOID_r. The wall being Trophies which, no matter what i do, won’t show a string with “Trophy (TrophyName) achieved!”. It’s really annoying because it has worked before in my earlier games. I’ve literally copied lines of code from my previous stuff and it still didn’t work.

(A part of code related to trophies)
For now I’ve decided that Trophies just won’t have a message pop-up when achieved. They still can be achieved normally.
What happened to Spaceshipped?
Spaceshipped is an old project of mine, which I’ve finished in July of 2017 immediately after Survive The Zombies: Instinct. It started out as a fun demo which I’ve created to test out the Xbox Controller support in CF2.5. After that i thought that the demo was fun to play and i still haven’t made any games except for the STZ series, so i decided to make it into a full project.
When making the game, I’ve faced many challenges and problems like the multiplayer glitching out, collision errors, weird crashes and even slowdowns.
Finishing it was a real pain but when i finally did it, I just left it in the state it was. With glitchy multiplayer, awkwardly implemented features (like the menu navigation) and Game Jolt API problems.

(The “Date modified” part says it all.)
I’m really not proud of this project, which is a shame since it first implemented stuff i would later use in VOID_r and some smaller projects, for example: soundtracks and navigating menus without using mouse. It was also my first game to feature fully working (questionable) multiplayer.

The “Speeding” mode had only 21 lines of code excluding the Game Jolt API stuff, which brings me to another point on why this game didn’t work out: every mode was made in a different frame.

(Yup, there were a lot of these things. For comparison, VOID_r is already a much bigger game and it only has 13 frames excluding the ones i use for intros and testing)
Because of this, fixing any bugs and changing stuff would be a nightmare, as i would need to do it individually for each mode. Do you understand now why i never bothered to fix this game? :p
So in the end, Spaceshipped is still a failed project from which I learned a lot and for now I don’t have any plans to update it.
Thanks for reading! I didn’t work enough on VOID_r to post a Progress devlog but I’ll be definitely posting one next week!