
7 years ago

VOID_r Talk #3 - The Easter Eggs.

Hello everyone!

This time on the VOID_r Talk we will be talking about VOID_r’s easter eggs.

Warning! This devlog will contain Trophy and secrets related spoilers! Proceed at your own risk!

You probably already know what an easter egg is, but for those who might’ve not heard about them, they’re a secret hidden in a game by the developer(s), usually being a joke or a reference.

I’m also trying out some stuff related to visibility in devlogs, so if you actually read the devlog and you would like to give me some feedback, go ahead and do it!

The Void’s Secrets:

I’ve always liked easter eggs in games, so I included a lot of them in VOID_r!
Starting off in a rather simple fashion, every mission (except for the tutorial) is named after a song from a band I listen to.


(Also, I’ve finally named every mission in the game)
If you can list every band’s song from this mission list, then congratulations, you probably have a very good taste in music :p
There’s a similar thing happening with the bonus DLC acts, but it isn’t as obvious (they aren’t directly taken from songs).

Another secret is in the Portal Room. I don’t wanna spoil too much, but this time it’s related to some of my favorite games. There are also two Trophies for finding it (Little hint: the first one is called “Dishonorable.” and the second one is “Pon”. Both are Silver tier because they’re relatively easy to find).


(Simplistic Trophy icons ftw!)

Mentioning these two secrets is just scratching the surface. There are already more smaller things and a very particular message hidden in the game (if you find it, screenshot it and send it to me. You’ll know how it looks like :p), with a lot more planned not only for the base game, but also for the DLC’s (if I have time, that is).

That’s it for this devlog! Next time on the VOID_r Talk: Maybe some code/development related stuff?



Next up

It's working! (Update in 2 days, more info on Twitter)

*Beep Beep* ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Hype train is coming…

VOID_r Release informations (Hype)

VOID_r Update 1.2.0 - The End

VOID_r Update 1.0.8 - In Fear of the Void


VOID_r Update 1.0.5 - Custom Difficulty + Tweaks!

VOID_r Now Available!

VOID_r Update 1.1.5 - Challenge the Void

VOID_r Progress #14 - Before the release.