Rhyme and the Silver Hourglass

3 years ago

Want to put one of YOUR characters in Rhyme And The Silver Hourglass? Check out the Rhyme and the Silver Hourglass Design Contest!

Simply use the template in this post to create a sprite for your character - four directions, three frames of a walking animation each - as well as a talksprite that will appear in your character's dialog box when spoken to!

Your submission should also include what you want to be called in the credits if your character is selected, and optionally a bit of dialog or description to give me a feel for their personality.

Up to 5 designs will be added to the final game, with the respective designers' names put in the credits! This does not necessarily have set criteria - as long as you put some effort and thought into it, you'll have a good chance of being picked.

Winners will be chosen based on effort, creativity, and how well the character fits into the world of Rhyme and the Silver Hourglass.


Some Rules:

- Submissions must be Safe For Work.

- Please only use characters of your own design. These can be existing OCs that you made, or ones you make specifically for this contest.

- The contest will run until September 1st, 2022. Entries submitted past that point won't be considered.

- One entry per participant.

- Please do not change the template image size, as it's currently the exact size that RPG Maker requires.

- Avoid using the same color as the checker background. You can change the checker colors if you need to, but they should be distinct from your character.

Submission Form:



Next up

I'm happy to announce my latest game project, Radio Horror Show! A point-and-click arcade-style ghost hunting game, now in development!

All About Warped Realities!

RHS Devlog 2 - About Void

Happy Spooky Month from Rhyme!

20 Days til Release!

Contest Winners have been chosen! Thanks to those who participated! Winners, look forward to seeing these characters in the final game!

Radio Horror Show Devlog 1 - What Is This Game?

RHS Devlog 3 - Menus & Stuff

Character Spotlight: Ricky Echofried

Less than a month until Rhyme and the Silver Hourglass releases! If you missed it, this storybook adventure through time will be available on October 21st, 2022!

Spent a chunk of today polishing some visuals for RHS, so I've updated the screenshots on the game page. New devlog with some enemy mechanic insight coming soon!