Insectoid Descent

5 years ago

We updated the game! It's Much more fun and we fixed spawn rate issue.

^ created by @DennisPinato on Twitter. He is helping us with Insectoid Descent straight outta Brasil !. The game will be receiving massive improvements to character model.

Looking Fresh - Insectoid Descent #retro #action #scifi ((BTW: Press SPACE to activate the HeavyMachineGun when you find it. It has infinite ammo))


The new update is currently known as Data Saver build. We've added lots to improve the gameplay. These gifs you see above will be in the game for the next update asap.

The Data Saver build is the complete game but without the excess files. This is temporary to see if people like the idea. Instead of downloading 50mb you only need to download 15mb. The next update will include all the art to replace the primary package. [ Our launcher got updated too ]


Have fun!




Next up

After Three Years, the Player Wall Collisions are FIXED!!!!!!!!

Who is GREEN™ - How the Insectoids Escaped

New Bullet Bar, Soluja now in-game, & more

Our game has been updated, MFA is now public.

Tales of the Game Dev

Soluja Character can now be selected

Two variations for dead guards in a top-down shooter game

Main Menu Rework, New Mercenary, Improved MachineGun

New Shiny Lab Tiles in the Genome Lab with Lights

Map detailing, silenced pistol added, warping of light, death animations, chain reaction on barrels fixed, updated main menu and death screen. #pixelart #retro