1. Full Progressive Emulation Support!
Now, The handheld unit takes up the entire verticality of your 16:9 display; no more extra tiny games!
2. Perfect Circle Pad And C Stick Accuracy!
Previously, the Circle Pad and C Stick were incorrectly rotated six degrees clockwise, thus putting them off axis, and also making it hard to tell where to tap or click to point said analogue controls in the proper direction. Now, they’re perfectly straight, making for a one hundred percent perfect gaming experience!
3. Function Label Text Optimizations!
Since we made the system bigger, we also decided to grow the textual labels for all of the functions as well. This’ll make sure that finding the right input is still just as natural as, and if not then even more intuitive than, it was before!
You’re very welcome! Please enjoy, and as always, “Happy Jading!™”