My pc had been acting weird for a while, so of course I had prepared a USB with both War is coming and The benefits of rationality projects with the first going through a rewording and the second being developed. However, I didn't save every update on the USB, and when the pc left this world, I found myself with a lot, and I mean A LOT, of work lost. War is coming's rewording was basically finished and The Benefits of Rationality had reached half the development of the main story and the side quests. Now, with the new pc, I reworded War is coming's until the 4th chapter and The benefits of rationality is developed at about a 20%, story mode and side quests wise.
To make this up to you, I'll explain what is scheduled next and a gameplay video of The benefits of rationality in the next posts, just to let you know I am in fact working on it and that I have the clear picture of how I want it to be.