Where it All Began. Here's a video showing off Aftermath in Dreams, as well as some never before seen content, including the Old Main Menu, with the original game title.
There's some Time Stamps in the description!
Next up
ACT 3's page is up, as well as it's trailer.
You can check it out here: https://gamejolt.com/games/FNAFTERMATH3/963253
Today is also the Third anniversary of aftermath, Thank y'all for supporting it!
Here's one of the 13 (Active) animatronics that'll be present in the game. More details next Week! [ ACT 3 ]
"A little basic.. But it's a good start." [ ACT 3 ]
March 13th. Your flashlight will now have a Limited Battery tied to the Characters Phone.
Let the fun begin. The game is coming along well, got the first few gameplay sections done, And the majority of it optimized. should be ready in time for the demo!
The original Act 1 Main Menu, scrapped due to animation issues... and for being really generic lol (Made ~ 1/19/2024)
ACT 3 • Teaser 2 • The Arcade Next Week, the game page, Teaser Trailer, and more info will be coming out...
1/22/22 is when Aftermath started development over on Dreams, Feels like alot longer ago...
2/26/22 the Game would have it's first public release
The game would go to a V1.0 release later that year, and the PC Remake (AKA, Act 2) would start ~11/25/23