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v1.0.9 - substantial update, plenty of quality of life improvements, graphical updates, menu with enter key, and much more.
#devlog #update #release #retro #bullethell #shootemup #shump #pico8
So the game is now in a roughly playable state. Still a lot of obstacles and level design to go to flesh it out, then need to handle audio, menu, win/loss conditions and a bunch of other minor things.
v1.0. Fight other Vikings in a battle-royale against up to 4 human or CPU players, last viking standing! Features: 2 to 4 human/cpu players, Seasons, Multiple units, AI
Slowly adding more graphics to the game, palette is nearly decided though might have a few more tweaks to go. Next phase is starting to build out a level or two.
v1.0.4 - minor update to the game, pressing enter brings up menu where you can cycle through background options. Should make seeing enemy bullets easier.
Starting at 17th Dec 2020 at 6pm GMT until the end of the year, the following will be 33% off:
#sale #discount #winter #christmas #hanukkah #released #pico8 #action #arcade #rpg