Mega Man
Post about Mega Man!

Faster than Proto man, he has a stronger Mega Buster that can DESTROY enemies with only one Charge Shot.

Do you prefer Proto man or Mega man?

Rápido y con un Poderoso Mega Buster que barre enemigos.

Prefieres a Proto man o a Mega man?

Roach man sprite

"An old c/mmi/sion of Elf of megaman ZX Prequel by Stephringo!"

Playing MMSD on the TV hits different

(wip) orm designs because idfk



Protoman/Blues is here, with a new intro and some new mechanics

Protoman volvio, y no en forma de fichas, sino con mecanicas nuevas y una intro mejorada

Roach man mugshot

so i beat mega man 4