Experimented a little with the battle sprite style and did an ow sprite as well. Hope y'all like it!!!

Five nights at Freddy secret of the mimic

Greetings! I have completed the assets for another area of the demo level, The Chapel! It took a while to finish but i think it looks cool so it's worth the time. I gotta learn post-processing as well so i can make this look even better in the engine!

Hey here's a surprise y'all may not expect! Im actually doing a game a mario version of the old Ordinary Sonic Romhack none the less! rn im looking for help and i need everyone if interested please contact me on discord and stuff Discord: neo_geo_mania

Latest updates for the Weapon Wheel:
- Lowered grayscale saturation.
- Added a vignette effect for better visual focus.
- Moved weapon text to the top-middle.
- Stacked an overlay camera to keep the player unaffected by post-processing effects.