Post about RPG!

There's a lot of mysterious places in Haphazard...
#indiedev #gamedev #rpgmaker #dungeon #explorer #rpgmaker2003

City of Melville(April 2020)

Battle State Machine is working Player chooses what to do, enemies choose what to do, and they even have variable rates of attack/defend/flee. Next step will be to actually start dealing damage

Water Morps have a their own way to spend time by the beach🏖️

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The drawing of the day: The mausoleum. I haven't uploaded any buildings for a while, so I hope you guys like this one

#pixelart #rpgmaker

Fixed a bug with Saving and Loading Crafting Buildings while they were crafting. Seems I didn't update the Crafting check to be an array check, which caused it not to load the amount left to craft...which made them craft negative amounts forever! :S


Working on giving everything a bit more "oomph"
Each battle effect now has a different mushroom icon, too!
How's it looking? Any suggestions?

When Gladiator and American History X were the coolest movies when you grew up. (I always looked away when “that” scene came.)

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