
Comments (25)

What do you think?

This game is going to be 🔥

I love the design of the snail in the game!

yo.. we’re both making bug games.. your Insectile, my Bugable… sorry if my games idea was to close to yours..

Looks interesting and charming, even though I myself don't like bugs, I'm looking forward to it!

I've heard this is a collection game, I LOVE THOSE!

This game is so cute and pretty!!! The art, the mechanics, gaaaah! I need to spare money to buy this!


Find bugs, catch bugs, and piece bugs together! Explore a huge, whimsical world as a little mushroom in this clever, turn-based RPG about puzzlingly-shaped insects!

Wishlist on Steam:

Find Bugs

These creatures we call “Insectiles” hide under every rock and within every crevice! Finding them is not so easy when you are small. Explore giant gardens, uncover secret pathways, and hop across lily pads in search of each and every Insectile!


Catch Bugs

Every Insectile is a potential teammate! Collecting them all will require careful observation of their behavior: Bring tasty snacks, chase energetic crickets, morph new species, and even dodge wasp stingers to grapple these unique creatures!

Piece Bugs Together

Battle against enemy Insectiles with a distinct mixture of puzzle and strategy! Synergize your new Insectile teammates with complementary shapes or abilities. Insectile combat is quick, satisfying, and rewarding of clever combinations!


#rpg #adventure #puzzle #strategy #arcade #retro

Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Insectile Demo coming April 18th!
What a good day to be a caterpillar!

It would help me out a TON if you would add it to your wish list!


When I started Insectile, I was in a completely different game engine with a completely different art style. What do you all say, this change was for the better?


A message to my followers who are not yet following Insectile:
Why aren't you following Insectile? : )

The playable demo will be coming soon and you don't want to miss it! Come follow the GameJolt page and help support my silly little bugs!


I'm starting to make a list of content creators to send the 🐛 Insectile Demo🐌 to...
If you or someone you know can help spread the word, please let me know in the comments or shoot me an email : )


Demo coming soon! Stay tuned! 🦗