Shooter games
Post about Shooter games!

The fire container switches has always been a challenge regarding how they should be represented visually, many aspects to consider: for example, they can be lit, but not absorbed from.

Right now were trying to have them be some kind of fire stakes!

первый прогрес моей игры. Готовы стены, пол и дерево!:)

the first progress of my game. The walls, floor and wood are ready! :)


Oh, thanks to you @CreeperXYZ2009

Who's looking forward to Doom: The Dark Ages?

The game itself is humorous and its feature is that it is a shooter where you have to fight zombies from Minecraft.

Well, that's all about this game!

Игра рофляная, и ее особенность, что это шутер, в котором вам предстоит сражаться с зомби из Майнкрафта.

Improved enemies for the next update

enemigos mejorados para la próxima actualización

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Destiny 2!

Complete the quest and you'll get Coins!


Heavy and Medic, What a team!

Wait....Is that....???