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Did you know that in the Dataclysm demo you may save your decks in these folders?
And just look at the cute Sandbags inside them, they're ADORABLE!
You can find the demo here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3303720/Dataclysm/

Dataclysm DEMO is out now on Steam!
Please, check it out, and don't forget to add it to your wishlists!

Good time everyone! I made a new entry in my development diary #DD38
Facebook community link:
So, follow the link, read and join the community! Good mood to you!

Good time everyone! I made a new entry in my development diary #DD37
Facebook community link:
So, follow the link, read and join the community! Good mood to you!

Good time everyone! I made a new entry in my development diary #DD36
Facebook community link:
So, follow the link, read and join the community! Good mood to you!