A small reminder tha extended version of Spyro: Out of brick is NOT on the Hiatus! The project is still WIP. More pictures,videos or any other source of information coming this year dragons
Small Sneak Peak Gameplay from Extended version of Spyro Out of Brick. From now on I'm gonna take a little break from making videogames...Enjoy it
Used ost: https://youtu.be/Lx7unhSJHsA
Spyro will never be Spyro without some Thief chasing sequences !
Spyro Out of Brick Deluxe is getting extended day by day, more information coming sooner or later
P.S: The Story will continue from THAT point 5:10
In previous Update you had a chance to saw Crash Bandicoot in the Zoo...Now he's missing! What happened to him...?
Try to find him in Spyro out of Brick: