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Guess whos back chat! Sry for leavin again woops— ANYWAYS I HAVE A VIDEO GAME TO ANNOUNCE OOOOO!1!1!!1 #game #indiegame #gamedev #dev #develop #esor #esorsawakening #va #art #voiceact #storyboard #voicacting #voiceactor #drawing #artist


Fun Audition To Voice Freakyunic For FNF Documic 🤭 #fnf #voiceact #voiceacting #va #videogame #mod #fnfmod #audition

Saying A Lot of Stuff as Ne-yo NOW OPEN FOR EVERYONE!
#voiceacting #voiceact

hello im working on this fan game called "heavy's sandvich world" however I cant code, model, or voice act so I need help if you want to help write #voiceact, #modeler or #code

hey guys im working on a fnaf game called "heavy's sandvixh world" but I cant code. model or voice act so I need your help if you want to help me just write #voiceact or #modeler or #coder