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Undertale is on sale for ONE DOLLAR this week!!

#steam #undertale #week

I just realized that haven't posted at all this week... . FNaF content is on the way tho don't worry.

#FNaF #Content #Realized #Posted #Week #Game #Gamejolt #Yeti_for_Action

The Official POPGOES Plus Gameplay Trailer will drop a week before the game releases. Sorry about this notice, but it'll be worth the wait!

#FNaF #Fan #Game #POPGOES #Plus #Gameplay #Trailer #Drop #Week #Before #Release #Wait #Gamejolt #Yeti_for_Action

A new description of Five Nights at Freddy's: The Week Before has appeared on Scholastic's site! Thanks @FNAF_News !

#FNaF #Book #Week #Before #Description #Appeared #Scholastic #Site #Confirming #Ralph #Game #Gamejolt #Yeti_for_Action

I have a lot of finals and exams for my school year this week and a side job I'm doing, so the 2nd Teaser Trailer will be pushed back by 5 days :(

#FNaF #Fan #Game #POPGOES #Plus #Finals #Exams #School #Year #Week #Working #News #Gamejolt #Yeti_for_Action