general in Hotline Miami

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Hello guys, Im making hotline miami inspired game. Im writing the story now, then ill do programming, graphics and music. You can join my discord server:

Any help's appriciated ^^

Biker and Jacket GMod Edit by me


Does Jacket love YOU? FIND OUT TODAY!

Little quickie I did.

Can somebody please translate this into English?

I just watched the Globgolgabgalab with Miami from the Hotline Miami soundtrack, and it fits so well.

Just a reminder:

If you, or someone you know, can clean this up and make it into a full spritesheet, please send me a friend request and we can talk about it through PMs.

Hey, boys!

I made this Jacket from Pico, and I want to make this into a mod!

If you know/are somebody who can clean this up and make it a full sprite sheet, please let me know!

What do you think about this?
