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I haven't played a co-op shooter for at least 10 years
Because the only co-op shooters I've played were Flash Games like Super fighters and Armour Mayhem
I don't do co-op shooters, because if I'm playing an FPS, the other guy is facing my gun.

An important lesson we should all learn.
No matter how hard you try, no matter how long your streak is, Duo will never be satisfied...
A cup with no bottom cannot be filled, and sooner or later... Your streak will end
And when that day comes...
The funniest game I've ever played?
Ever heard of "Death Trips"?
The ending is out of this world funny
I'd suggest watching the Markiplier clip of him playing it in a 3 Scary Games video

100 days of Russian! And I can still barely read it 🤦♂️

Vegetoid and Woshua are the most powerful monsters in Undertale. Stronger than Asriel. Because their green heal attacks provide the same amount of attack power as Chara's infinite 999999 attack
Because infinite 9s are equal to -1
6 votes Voting finished
If you're wondering who I'd vote for...
Damn the amount of anger over Trump winning is concerning
As a Brit, I can say we don't get half as mad as you Muricans over elections
Mostly because all the major parties are equally rubbish ;)
8 votes Voting finished

The answer is neither.
Both songs are plagarised!
The original melody comes from "Les Amusements d’une Heure et Demy" published in (1761), then TTLS was made in 1806, then the ABC song in 1835

I just watched the Wild Robot
I don't get how Dreamworks makes bangers like this and Puss In Boots TLW as well as trite like Megamind 2 and Kung Fu Panda 4
10/10 btw. PlatinumBlade DEFINITELY approved, and there's no way this isn't winning the Oscars...
4 votes Voting finished

Apparently the Chinese Soft-shelled Turtle urinates through its mouth- the only animal to do so…