Donate your Knowledge...

#DailyFact #5

Joining the Trove of Knowledge increases your IQ by 500%

Source: I made it up

But hey! why not try anyway ;)

"Fortissimum est mens"

In an internet full of mindless content, brainrot and stupidity, I bring forth this community so that people may donate knowledge to this trove, and help make us all more intelligent...



  • No lying. Only truth here (unless it's in the Fake Knowledge channel, make up anything you want there)

  • Give sources if possible please

  • Objectiveness please. No being opinionated or political please.

  • That being said, there is no filter on what you say here, except if it is untrue or insulting.

  • Have fun donating to the cause of knowledge :)

@Platinum_Blade owner
Report A community for about 1 month