General in Countryballs & Polandball

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It seems to me that Iran is not afraid of the USA

The Balkans and the Russians are kind of crazy xd

Doodle (my one art is countryballs, how to like it?)


Some animals smell when something is bad (hatred of this Israeli nation does not start)


Qatar stole the Asia Cup (continue the chain)

Qatar robo la copa asia (sigan cadena)


SK Ball And Japan Ball As Cats

Jordania merecia ganar (sigan la cadena)

Jordan win

Hey guys, I’m seriously considering deleting the account forever because, as I’m sure you noticed, I have decreased the amount of posts severally.

this may be the 2nd to last post I make. in the meantime, you may think on this

They both deserved 3rd place but the penalties gave South Africa a run for their money, which failed at first but the Congo failed 2 times later.

The team I supported in the Asia Cup finished badly in the group stage.