Memes in Destiny 2

Guardian? Guardian? Eyes up, Guardian!

Thought of this as a meme

Silly renames for Raids in the article

Love this Raid boss

The Crocs

Based on events that DID happen

Quality worse than in editor, dunno why

Epic DPS fail

Can someone edit a ratio caption on the GIF mine ended up too large to be uploaded normally and ate my mobile data

Also my recording cut, why yes 144p upscaled

"Tormentor, remove their nuts."

*tormentor running*

"Guardian Down!"

bro is strutting

his position got me giggling

“Glitchmob, why do you refuse to play deep stone crypt? Is it to spite maggots?…”

G: “Yes.”

“…If so, supremely based.”

G: “Yes.”


Cabal drop pods are the bane of my existence.

not really, they're just more iconic out of most kinds of drop pods because of how unnecessarily lethal they are.

same thing.

Literally every other kind of drop pod: I drop you down to your destination, that’s it.

Destiny 2 Cabal drop pods:

Cabal stomp my beloved