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Hi! I'm Russia Developer games ❤️

The development of mini-games for the game "Five Night's At Plush" is in progress.

Comparison of engines for a large project similar to TJoC

Hello everyone 🥰

I ran tests, and it turned out that Unreal Engine 5 📱 would be better than Unity 📱

At least in terms of graphics and performance.



Всем привет!

Я русский разработчик игр, разрабатываю разные игры, но в особенности люблю хоррор игры по FNaF.


Hello Everyone!

I am a Russian game developer, I develop different games, but I especially love horror games by FNaF.

ENG: 💡 Thoughts and ideas

Hello everyone 🤗

I really Like the FNaF Fan Game - The Joy of Creation

RUS: 💡 Мысли и идеи

Всем привет! 🤗

Мне очень нравится Фан-Игра по FNaF - The Joy of Creation