Videos in Fredinator Community

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Me playing l4d2 be like


Been wanting to make my own Nine Circles kind of level, working on the predrop, not final yet of course but wanted to cook a little lmao. obv the drop will be the NC wave effect


2D Mouth Animation Test!

(this was an absolute pain to do, considering the amount of transparent mouths I had to draw for this model :skullemoji:)

Let's try this again
Explaining plans for this channel with cringey commentary!Made in ClipChamp#minecraft #obsidian


Funny enough, I forgot to show this last night but I did a 0-36% run on Crazy 3, which is good since I've done the second "drop" to 100% before in a run. So looking good for progress!

Also, I have training/a job to do today so wanted to show something.


Doing a little trolling @GhostGamesX


Been doing a layout with Creo-Dimension. I aim this to be a eay/medium demon with a cool purple/blue theme. Gonna try to make this so I'm able to verify it LOL, it's a bit messy but it'll get to looking better eventually :P

Still WIP of course! :)


This was an average experience with the boys.

@OstawoltGames @Fredinator @RedRabbitGames